Henry Cattan is a well known international lawyer. he was born in Jerusalem, Palestine, in 1906. He is a Licencie-en-droit (University of Paris), LL.M. (University of London), and a Barrisrer-at-Law (Middle Temple). From 1932 until 1942 he held the position of lecturer at the Jerusalem Law School and until 1948 he was a member of the Palestine Law Council. He has also been in legal practice both in Palestine and in Syria.

In 1946 he gave evidence before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on the Palestine Question. The following year he presented the Palestine Arab case at the second special session of the general Assembly of the United Nations at Lake Success on behalf of the Arab Higher Committee and represented the Palestine Arabs during the two ordinary sessions of the General Assembly in 1947 and 1948 he was appointed by the Arab League for discussions with Count Bernadotte, the United Nations Mediator on Palestine.

Below is a coppy of the "Palestine" newspaper published on Saturday May 10,1947, and states the following:

Mr. Henry Cattan the representative of the Palestinian "Arab Higher Committee", declare in front of the United Nations, "The Arabs are not claiming Palestine based on promises, but because it is their country .. British Mandate became null and void, the continuation of it endanger the security and safety .. Britain must stop the illegal and legal immigration .. and it must separate the problem of displaced Jews, from the question of Palestine, in order to achieve justice .. "

Henry Cattan is the Author of monographs on Palestine Question and many others as shown below.

The Pictures below shows Henry cattan's home in Al Bakha Al Fokah and Henry Cattan St. in Ramallah - West Bank

George Cattan: Writer from Syria. Born in Jerusalem, 1940. Lived in Damascus since 1948, In the United States since 2007. Received a Bachelor Degree in Agriculture from Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Freelance Journalist publishing articles in Arabic dealing with issues of democracy, secularism, human and ethnic rights in the Arab press and online. Wrote four books:

1 - "Russian-Arab Relations in the 20th Century" 2001.

2 - "Options for Contemporary Iran: Modernization? Islam? Democracy" 2002.

3 - Contributed in an essay entitled: "The Crisis of Democracy in the Arab National Movement"?
as part of a book: "Democracy within Arab political parties" 2004

4 - "Politics Addiction, Biography from Nationalism. To Marxism, to Democracy" 2013 as shown below.

The Pictures below shows the cattan's & Shiber homes & streets in Jerusalem & Ramallah.

Here are the Cattans that appeared in the 1946 Palestine phone book Here are the Kattans that appeared in the 1946 Palestine phone book

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trcattan@roadrunner.com with any information you like to add