September 18, 2014
By: Tony Cattan

I just finish updating the Home page which included the names of all the families that are part of the Cattan's family. I also updated our family tree & combined both Yakoub & Jirius Descendant, and I like to thanks everybody that helped me get all that information to put it all together. Finally I inserted some newer family pictures to stay up to date.

January 22, 2015
By: Tony Cattan

I updated our Miscellaneous page and added the books that were writen by Henry Cattan and George Cattan. I also added picture of the cattan's & Shiber's homes & streets in Jerusalem & Ramallah.

March 22, 2015
By: Tony Cattan

I updated our Miscellaneous page and added a copy of the Palestine newspaper published on Saterday May 10, 1947.

July 30, 2017
By: Tony Cattan

I updated our Miscellaneous page and added a copy the Cattans & Kattans that appeared in the 1946 Palestine phone book. I also updated our family tree & added the childrens of Therese & louis Cattan.

We again invite all of you to explore our web site and to contact with any information, family pictures, or any other things you like to add or change.